Oma’s Own FUNoodles and Soup Cubes

I was recently contacted by Oma’s Own asking me to try some of their products for an honest review to be posted on our site. I gladly accepted when I learned that their products were both vegan and gluten free. The package arrived with bags of freeze dried fruit chips, vegan soup cubes and FUNoodles. The soup cubes came in three flavors: Grandma’s No Chicken, Grandma’s No Beef and Grandma’s Vegetable. The FUNoodles came in two flavors: Spicy Noodles and Grandma’s No Chicken Noodles.

It took me a little while to try everything that came in the box, but I found both of the products in this review ended up being tasty and useful. Having the soup cubes ended up saving dinner one night as I ran out of my homemade vegetable broth and was able to use the cubes in one of my favorite soup recipes. I tried the FUNoodles during my first week of work at my new job and found that it was a nice solution when I didn’t have any leftovers in fridge and had not had a chance to run to the store. The FUNoodles were filling and delicious.

ProductOma’s Own FUNoodles and Soup Cubes

Overall GradeA

Pros FUNoodles

  • They are convenient and easy to use.
  • Lunch was ready in five minutes.
  • It is a good option on days that you need a quick lunch, but don’t have time to pack food.
  • Both soups had a nice flavor.
  • The spicy flavor was just spicy enough for my liking, but not too much to overpower the true flavor of the soup.
  • The Grandma’s No Chicken soup had a nice mild flavor reminiscent of meat broths.
  • They are gluten free.

Pros Soup Cubes:

  • The bullion cubes all have a rich flavor.
  • The cubes dissolved quickly in hot water, unlike other bullion cubes.
  • It is nice to have a no Chicken and no broth flavor that is different than the vegetable flavor. The variety of cubes offer more options for cooking.
  • A half of a cube makes a full cup of broth, so the cubes will make a good bit of broth.
  • They are a convenient solution when you don’t have broth on hand.
  • They are gluten free.

Cons FUNoodles

  • The cups came with a plastic throw away fork which may add to the convenience, but it adds to the waste of this product. These forks don’t seem necessary as it is easy to bring a reusable fork along.
  • I like the convenience of this product, but I generally don’t buy products like this as they generate more waste than I am comfortable with- even without the fork.
  • I would have liked to see more vegetables and/or a protein in the cups like tofu or beans.

Cons Soup Cubes

  • I followed the instructions for the ratio to make broth, 1/2 cup per cup of water and the broth was a bit too salty for my taste.

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